Video: Earl’s Vapor Guard Hose Helps With Modern Fuel Additives

Without fuel, our vehicles cannot run leaving us on the side of the road looking at our precious project. With all of the additives in our modern gasoline regular fuel hoses just do not cut it and can cause loss of fuel in a traditional rubber hose due to permeation.

Earl’s Performance Plumbing‘s Vapor Guard hose helps combat these issues and make sure that our vehicles get the fuel they need to get us where we need to go. The hose is available in two different styles, EFI and CARB in 5/16 and 3/8-inch sizes. The CARB hose is pressure tested to 50 psi, and the EFI hose can handle up to 225 psi.


With anything custom, nowadays enthusiasts can run into issues with particular parts not working together with another. Blane Burnett explained, “Anything that is carbureted or fuel injected will work as long as the pressure requirement is in check.” Earl’s has hose ends and clamps to all their hose to fit in any application.

The hoses feature a multi-layered design that keeps fuel in the hose and not in the ozone. The Vapor Guard Barrier is a thermoplastic layer that provides superior fuel isolation reducing vapors from escaping through the hose. The EFI and CARB hoses have the same layers except for the reinforced aramid fiber braid that is only available in the EFI hose.

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Vapor Guard fittings are available in AN, NPT, and an O-ring port design. All the fittings are black anodized and feature special retention bead to make sure the hose is not damaged when installed. Earl’s offers three different types of clamps: single or dual crimp on style, and a stainless steel screw on.

Installation is as simple as cutting the hose to length, inserting the correct fitting, and securing with a clamp. For more information on the products be sure to check out their website.

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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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