Lucus Oil Series Driver Ryan Beat Brings New Meaning to Triathlete


Images: Richard S. James/

Some people just have all the fun, but for Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing Series driver Ryan Beat, that fun has come at a price; the price of free time and restful days. That’s because in addition to his position on the Premiere Motorsports Group’s Pro Lite team, Beat has stepped up to pilot the company’s Pro 4 truck, and most recently, the group’s Pro 2 truck. According to, that makes Beat one heck of a short course off-road triathlete.


Now, there are plenty of guys out there that dapple in more than one Lucus Oil Off-Road Racing Series class, like Carl Renezeder and Kyle LeDuc, but Beat has been driving in all three classes for Premiere Motorsports Group for the last several races. That means three times as many practices, three times the races, plenty of truck work and very little downtime for the 27 year old.

Beat didn’t start out piloting all three trucks, but from about the middle of the season on, he’s been doing his best in all three off-road classes. First, Beat took on the task of piloting the Premiere Motorsports Group Pro 4 truck in addition to the Pro Lite truck when Pro 4 driver Josh Merrell vacated his position.

Having had some experience in Pro 4 last year, Beat was approached with the opportunity to pilot the company’s entry and jumped at the opportunity. Later in the season, the team also saw Pro 2 driver Rob Naughton leave the team, giving Beat an opportunity to race in yet another class.

While Beat is enjoying his time behind the wheel of all three trucks, each which behave differently and take a different kind of finesse compared to the others (Beat’s admitted biggest challenge), he told that he can’t even begin to explain how crazy heading up all three trucks has been.


To some, Beat’s decision to pilot trucks in all three Lucus Oil Off-Road Racing Series classes may seem a bit crazy, but the young driver seems to be taking it in stride. In fact, he told that right now the decision may not be paying off in pole positions or podium finishes like he’s used to when focusing on fewer classes, but five years down the line, he sees his decision paying off immensely. Of course, we’ll be keeping an eye on Beat just to see where this massive task he has taken on takes him in the future.

About the author

Lindsey Fisher

Lindsey is a freelance writer and lover of anything with a rumble. Hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles - she's owned and driven it all. When she's not busy writing about them, she's out in her garage wrenching away. Who doesn't love a tech-savy gal that knows her way around a garage?
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