Holley HydraMat Joins Stadium Super Trucks


Making sure the engine has constant fuel is important regardless of the type of driving being done, but is even more crucial in racing applications. The Stadium Super Trucks (SST) series pushes the limits of fuel supply. Not only do these trucks accelerate, brake, and corner hard, but they also go over huge jumps, literally adding an additional dimension to the fuel supply equation.

Robby Gordon testing Holley's HydraMat. The HydraMat will be in every truck through the remainder of the 2015 season.

Robby Gordon testing Holley’s HydraMat. The HydraMat will be in every truck through the remainder of the 2015 season.

SST founder and driver Robby Gordon stated, “In the Stadium Super Trucks series, we had numerous problems with fuel pickup due to fuel slosh from the big jumps, crossovers, and hard cornering.” In light of this issue and seeing the new Holley HydraMat, which is being used successfully by racers in ARCA, SNORE Off-Road Racing, Pikes Peak Rally, and various other motorsports, Gordon arranged to test the HydraMat in his truck.

The test session left Gordon impressed, saying, “We simply can’t have any issues with fuel pickup causing our trucks to stumble. The HydraMat solved all of our fuel pickup problems.” HydraMat will be in the fuel cell of every single Traxxas truck for the last five stages of SST.

HydraMat comes in multiple shapes for any application.

The 2015 SST championship is still up for grabs with Gordon sitting in second place. One thing that makes the SST races and series very interesting is that every truck is identical. The only difference in the series is the drivers. With a constant fuel supply the remaining rounds maybe closer than ever.


About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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