Event Alert: Stadium Super Trucks Glen Helen

Speed Energy Stadium Super Trucks, popularly known as Stadium Super Trucks, brings the world of off-road racing to the masses. Racing on nearly any surface, Stadium Super Trucks features high-horsepower race trucks, and the races are typically held at large venues such as football stadiums, IndyCar venues, V8 Supercar races, and more. Case in point – from November 30th to December 2nd, Stadium Super Trucks is coming to Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino, California!

The track at Glen Helen will have three different configurations. The full track will be used by the trucks, 450SX, and 250SX bikes. The full course features 16 turns, one cross-over section, an uphill table top, a downhill table top, and two big double jumps. The medium-length version of the course will be used by Unlimited UTV, Pro Lite, and Super Buggy. The shortest version will be used UTV 170 and UTV 250 vehicles. There will be two “premium” camping areas and, of course, lots of spectator seating.

In addition to the raucous races, there will be a freestyle motocross best-trick contest and a jump contest, which will feature UTVs, Buggies, 1450 trucks, prerunners, cars, and more. The jump contest has a huge $5,000 payout, so you can expect to see rigs get some big air! There is a little bit of everything for the whole family at this event, so you won’t want to miss it. Be sure to grab you and your loved ones some tickets by visiting the official SST website, and stay up-to-date on future events with the SST Facebook page.

About the author

Bryce Cleveland

Bryce has been in the automotive industry for most of his life. He’s done everything from fixing cars, flipping cars, writing about cars, and everything in-between. He has owned a total of 18 vehicles, most of which he owned before the age of 20. He currently drives his 2015 Ford Fiesta ST every single day and has plans to buy his third Jeep XJ Cherokee very soon.
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