Equipped For Battle: Livernois Tunes 2020 Gladiator For More Power

It’s not easy to gain power from modern engines, but Livernois Motorsports found 50 horsepower and added flex fuel capability in a 2020 Jeep Gladiator.

With the limits OEMs place on engines and ECUs, it takes a lot of effort to gain more than 20 horsepower from a naturally aspirated engine without some major – and potentially illegal – work. Add in the ability to run E85 on an ECU not originally designed for it, and you’re talking about something like a miracle. Well, Livernois found a way to not only add flex fuel to a 2020 Jeep Gladiator, but also gain 50 horsepower and 55 lb-ft of torque in that tune using the MyCalibrator Tuner.

“We’ve been working on it for a while,” says Livernois’ Dan Millen. In the video, he talks about their latest efforts to improve the tune of the JT’s 3.6-liter V6, just like their work with the JL, and just how much the factory tune is reining in the engine.

The Livernois Motorsports MyCalibrator Tuner has all of the adjustments you’ve come to expect on tuners. These include adjusting the speedometer for a new tire size or gearing, parameter monitoring, code checking, datalogging, and more.

When you add their flex fuel program, you’ll see over 50 horsepower and 55 lb-ft of torque using an E85 mixture without needing to add any additional sensors or even switching to and from that E85 tune. The ECU monitors engine performance as it would on a standard fuel tune and adjusts as necessary. No other monitoring is required by the user and they can use 93 octane, E85, or even any mixture of both fuels with the flex fuel tune without having to switch tunes or even adjust a parameter before starting the engine.

This is sure to add a new dimension to the Gladiator and Wrangler JL. For more information, be sure to check out Livernois’ website and Facebook page.

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About the author

Justin Banner

Justin Banner started as a freelance journalist covering Formula Drift in 2007. His passion for motorsports is unrivaled and if it uses propulsion and wheels, he’s into it. Justin writes and creates content for a variety of organizations.
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