SEMA 2024: SPAL Announces A New 18-Inch Brushless Fan

SPAL is a name that’s well known in the automotive industry for its wide range of engine cooling solutions. In 2025, the company is planning to release a new 18-inch, slim brushless fan with a feature set that will offer vastly improved efficiency. Noise levels have also been reduced by up to 80 percent at the maximum.

One of the innovations is the integration of soft-start technology. This feature reduces the initial power surge when the fan is activated, thus not straining the electrical system of the vehicle. It also eliminates the annoying headlight dips that fans with traditional designs usually create. Moreover, the SPAL fan employs pulse-width modulation to correctly control the speed according to the variation in engine temperature.

SPAL USA's New Fan

SPAL understands the importance of customization. Thus, the new fan comes with four different temperature sensor options, so the user can configure its operation according to specific needs. The high step provides for very precise on/off temperature thresholds and responsiveness of the fan to temperature changes. For users with advanced engine control units, it is easy to integrate the fan with the ECU so that the ECU controls the operation of the fan and optimizes cooling performance.

SPAL USA's New Fan

Furthermore, the manual override switch makes sure that users can activate or deactivate the fan instantly at any given time. The motor is sealed in a manner that keeps dust and debris out, as well as high-pressure water jets. The fan is also impressively thin, with a depth of only 3.2 inches, making it suitable for swaps, custom builds, and vehicles that have space constraints.

SPAL USA's New Fan

The fan also packs a punch in airflow capability, producing about 3,700 cfm at maximum speed. Its unique combination of efficiency, durability, and compact design ensures that SPAL’s all-new brushless fan revolutionizes the operation of automotive cooling. Official prices haven’t been announced yet, but the fan will be available in stores by June or July 2025.

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