The guys at Davies Craig developed something special and unique with their electric water pump (EWP), which we got to see first-hand here at the 2013 PRI Show. It’ll fit on just about anything, regardless of make and model: muscle cars, trucks, imports, and more can all benefit from this system.

Customers who select the 30 GPM model can choose to have the pump in either nylon 66 black or aluminum.
We spoke to Don Miller, who was on hand to answer our questions about the product. “It is a really unique, truly universal EWP.”
“It’s available in three sizes: 20 GPM, 30 GPM, and 40 GPM. It really works great in small engines all the way up to eight hundred horsepower powerplants, which is what they’re designed to handle.”
As we learned, the pump’s uniqueness stems not just from its universal fitment, but also from its multiplying capability, whereby two 40 GPM units, for example, can be put together to attain 80 GPM flow rates in your engine. In addition, it can be used as a booster to your mechanical pump or its own self-governing system, which Miller explained in detail:
“It can be its own complete, intelligent cooling system by removing the impeller on your factory pump [or installing an adapter plate], as well as your factory thermostat. You would then pair it with our patented Davies Craig digital electronic controller…[allowing] you to regulate and modulate your desired cooling temperature.”
After seeing how the water pump works, we saw in our own vehicles a multitude of applications for the part, including even our daily drivers. For instance, Miller cited the SBC, which the company had done some tests on: “It sees a ten to fifteen horsepower gain by removing the parasitic power loss by removing a mechanical pump.” He also asserted that he average vehicle “will see a two to three MPG gain.”
Davies Craig’s new pump really impressed us, and we’re sure it did the same for you too. We invite you to find out more by checking out their website and Facebook page, and see for yourself what you can gain by switching to their electric wonder.