$10,000 Bounty Hill From Hell, 30 Rock Bouncers Try, Do Any Make It?


We love rock bouncing. It’s one of the most amazing off-road action sports going on today. If you’ve never seen it, you have got to watch this video shot at Adventure Off Road Park in Tennessee, and hold on to your hat, because you simply won’t believe the level of carnage in this incredible video from Mad Ram 11.

BountyHill-3A bounty hill is a hill climb set up to be just about impossible to climb, and that’s the point. These high-horsepower “truggys” are buggy style tube-cage bodies built on heavy duty truck axles with full-locking differentials at both ends and more torque boiling up out of those V8s than you can even begin to imagine. And the drivers are among some of the most talented and courageous wheeler’s you’ll witness.

Yet even with all that talent, bravado, traction and power (and $10,000 in cash waiting for the one that can make it to the top quickest), almost none, and in some cases, none can make it to the top. We’ll not be the spoilers here, so you’ll just have to watch this dramatic video of rolls and flips on a hill so steep, a man can’t hardly crawl up it, much less drive up it. This is almost 10 minutes of the craziest action we’ve seen in years, and we know you’re going to flip over it too!


About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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