“What I Learned Today” With Jeff Smith: Pressure Recharge

To recharge this can of spray lubricant, first we removed the can’s spray nozzle. Then we used a rubber-tipped air nozzle to fit over the small white plastic stem

We’ve all been inconvenienced by silicone spray cans or rust-busting lubricants that fizzled out with no pressure before the can is actually empty. Before you throw that otherwise good spray can in the trash, think about this simple way to add propellant. We didn’t come up with this idea. We found it on the internet, tried it, and decided to pass this along. 

Most spray products charge their products with 60 to 70 psi of air pressure. The first step is to remove the spray nozzle from the can. This will reveal a short white plastic upright sleeve with a small step. Use a rubber spray nozzle or a cut-down old rubber valve stem to press on that plastic pin that protrudes from the can. Place your rubber hose compressed air nozzle over the end of the plastic protrusion. Push the nozzle over the plastic pin from the spray can and hit the can with a quick shot of compressed air for about one second and then test the results. We put our air compressor at 60 psi just to be safe. Also be sure to wear safety glasses or eye protection because this can get messy and the spray can shoot in unintended directions. 

We cut the bottom off an old rubber valve stem until the metal air channel inside presses against the top of the plastic nozzle coming out of the spray can. Push down on the valve stem to open the channel to the can and then apply an air chuck on the valve stem to charge the can. This requires some dexterity but it works.

It’s best to hit the spray can with two or three short shots of air rather than one long one to establish just enough pressure to allow the spray can to function normally. We don’t recommend this for recharging aerosol spray paint cans because it can get really messy. But for silicone and other lubricants in a spray can, this will revitalize your products and help you get the most out of your investment. 

About the author

Vinny Costa

Fast cars, motorcycles, and loud music are what get Vinny’s blood pumping. Catch him behind the wheel of his ’68 Firebird. Chances are, Black Sabbath will be playing in the background.
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