Video: Wounded Police Officer Surprised With The Unimaginable

With all the violence that has been hitting the newsfeed almost every day we have to remind ourselves that there still are good people out there. With the help of Extreme Terrain, a Philadelphia police officer received a surprise that brought him to tears.

Christopher Dorman was responding to a call of a possible drug deal when he was shot seven times: once in the face, four times in the chest, once in the groin, and once in the leg. The community and Extreme Terrain knew that they had to do something for this local hero and off-roader.


The Jeep had a Police escort down to Extreme Terrain’s headquarters.

With the collaboration of Christopher’s father, George Dorman, and the Southern Delaware Jeep Club (SDJC), which the officer was a part of, they came up with a plan to design and build Christopher’s 2012 Jeep Wrangler.

George was the mastermind behind the build and was able to “steal” the Jeep by telling his son that he was taking it in for a check engine light. The build started with an idea and a sketch created by Extreme Terrain’s in-house creative team and the build progressed from there.

With all the hard work from family, friends, local police officers, and the Southern Delaware Jeep Club the Jeep was able to be transformed in a couple weeks.

Members from the SDJC, local shops, and friends & family all came to the ExtremeTerrain HQ to help with the build and actually install all of the parts. This Jeep got hooked up with everything from performance to exterior modifications. From a RIPP Supercharger to Barricade bumpers to new G2 Axles this Jeep was going to be ready for anything it would come across.

“I’m proud of our team for building such a mean-looking and capable Jeep for Officer Dorman,” Steve Voudouris, CEO of ExtremeTerrain said. “Projects like this are what makes the Jeep community so great!”


Christopher Dorman waiting to take off his blindfold to see what was parked in front of him.

After a few weeks the build was finished it was brought to the Southern Delaware Jeep Club Summer Beach Bash in Bowers Beach, Deleware where the Jeep was gifted to Officer Christopher Dorman. With the blindfolds on the Jeep rolled up in front of Dorman and the engine was revved. The smile on Christopher’s face began to show, but his reaction when he removed the blindfold is what everyone was waiting for – complete surprise and utter excitement.

A shocked, surprised, and speechless owner standing with his upgraded Jeep.

A shocked, surprised, and speechless owner standing with his upgraded Jeep.

The smile on Christopher’s face began to show, but his reaction when he removed the blindfold is what everyone was waiting for – complete surprise and utter excitement. It was starting to sink in that the orange Jeep parked in front of him was his own. “I’m speechless,” Christopher said with a smile. “It’s awesome, you almost got a couple tears out of me. It sounds amazing, I love it!”

Stories like this are what can give people hope and get their life back on track after suffering through an incident like this. What other stories have you heard about helping your local heroes? Tell us in the comments below!

Before (right) and after (left) show the extreme transformation of Officer Dorman's Jeep.

Before (right) and after (left) show the extreme transformation of Officer Dorman’s Jeep.

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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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