VIDEO: The Road Hammers And Lifted Trucks Play in the Mud

Muddin' Lifted TrucksThe Road Hammers are a group of good ol’ boys who wrote this jamming’ country tune about a subject any off-roader can relate too: mud. The song–simply titled Mud tells the story of a boy growing up playing in it. It begins when he was a kid playing with his Tonka trucks in the mud–happy as a little pig. The story then moves forward to when he was 16-years old and he bought his first truck (a lifted Chevy in the video). He took his truck bogging in the mud made from the spring rain.

What was your first lifted truck?

What was your first lifted truck?

If you are an off roader you know that muddin’ isn’t just a hobby, it’s a part of life. I am sure a lot of you can relate to spending a Sunday in your lifted 4×4, mud up to your bed rails, needing your buddies to pull you out.

It looked like everyone in the video was having a great time. Numerous lifted muddin’ machines could be seen prowling through the wet dirt. These include the above mentioned Chevy with a tiger-stripe paint job, several lifted F-150s, a classic Bronco, full-caged race trucks and even a lifted Cadillac sedan. Not only were the trucks playing in the mud, but the mud dragsters where out having a ball as well.

If you watch the video close enough you can almost here the sounds of the revving V8s and smell the BBQ. Next time you’re out playing in the mud, hanging out with friends, think of this tune.

"I take my shots straight out of the jug and I like to do a little dance in that Mississippi mud"

“I take my shots straight out of the jug and I like to do a little dance in that Mississippi mud.”

About the author

Josh Courter

Josh Courter is a Power Automedia freelancer with a serious passion for anything custom. Rods, classics, sleds, and even motorcycles provide inspiration for Josh along with his passion for automotive history.
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