Video: RJ Anderson Slings Custom Polaris Through Insane Obstacles

The popularity of Utility Task Vehicles, or UTVs has exploded in the past few years, giving birth to a new breed of racing that pits high-powered customized side-by-sides in intense competitions of speed. Nimble, quick, and able to navigate the narrowest passing lanes, a UTV in the right hands is capable of some pretty incredible things.

utv-2RJ Anderson definitely has the right hands, slinging his custom 200 horsepower Polaris RZR XP Turbo through an industrial setting straight out of the Walking Dead, Mad Max, Fallout, or whatever your preferred apocalyptic scenario might be.

Filmed across six different, apparently abandoned locations around Youngstown, Ohio in a single day, this XP1K3 is described as a “…five-minute full throttle, turbo powerd, mind bending, off-road thrill ride through the most unforgivable obstacles imaginable.” While that’s a bit of hyperbole to be sure (no spike traps or poison darts to be seen), the course does have RJ literally plowing through walls and windows in buildings that look like they’re just a good push from falling over.

But that’s not all. Before he’s finished tearing through factories that once provided gainful employment for thousands of honest, hardworking Americans, RJ literally rides the rails and hurls his Polaris onto a decommissioned locomotive. It may not be a trap door over a pit of hungry alligators, but it’s impressive nonetheless. We don’t want to spoil too much though, so it’ll have to suffice to say that the stunts only get more impressive from there, and RJ never seems to let up on the throttle. When you put a fearless driver in such a capable machine, it seems like almost anything is possible.

Don’t take our word for it though. Check it out for yourself!



About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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