Video: Personalize Your Exhaust Note With Flowmaster

It’s common place for factory mufflers to be the first component to go on after purchasing a new performance car. Nothing is more noticeable, or will make your vehicle stand out more, than a mean rumble coming from an engine and exhaust. The lineup from Flowmaster allows owners to do just that — customize and transform the exhaust noise to your personal liking and application.

With such a wide range of performance mufflers on the market, Flowmaster definitely stands out among the rest. Its 40 Series redefined the high-performance muffler, and put the company on the map as one of the premiere exhaust companies of the world.

family_banner2_lrgIn this video, Flowmaster introduces its entire lineup of mufflers, from all-out race Outlaw to the mellow 70 Series street muffler, distinguishing the difference between a chambered, delta, and laminar flow mufflers.

A chambered design, like the 40 Series, is generally designed to give an aggressive musclecar sound, depending on the amount of baffles in the muffler, for the enthusiast who likes their car to be heard.

IMG_2165Laminar flow design mufflers, like the Pro Series, are round-case mufflers that are designed to deliver minimal cabin noise, while delivering maximum power and exhaust system efficiency. All laminar flow mufflers use Flowmaster’s Cool Shell Technology to minimize the exterior temperatures of the exhaust.

Lastly, the Delta mufflers, like the Super 40,  have deflectors to amplify scavenging for better overall performance and reduced cabin drone. This allows the end user to achieve the exact exhaust tone they desire by limiting interior resonance, without sacrificing the interior comfort.

To learn more about Flowmaster’s complete collection of exhaust systems, check out what they have to offer using the source box below.

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About the author

Justen Spencer

Justen is a Ford modular motor fanatic with seven years of professional drag racing experience, and multiple championship seasons in NMCA West and PSCA. Originally from Las Vegas, he is the proud owner of four Mustangs, one that sees regular track time. When not racing, Justen can be found in the garage maintaining his championship-winning car.
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