Video: Monster Energy Presents Doonies Two

Monster Energy has a wide range of extreme sport athletes under their sponsorship. These top notch people are showcased in Monster Energy’s latest video Doonies Two, where the team heads back to the Glamis Sand Dunes in Southern California to go more extreme than before.

Off-road drivers Rodrigo Ampudia, Kyle LeDuc, BJ Baldwin, Steve Eugenio, Casey Currie, and Ken Block are all featured in the video. This is not a serious race packed video, but something that lets all the drivers blow a little steam off at the end of the year.


Kyle LeDuc jumping a gap in the all-new Monster Energy Doonies Two video.

It is more than just the races that the drivers enjoy, it is off-roading in general that keeps these guys doing what they do. The names of the four-wheel drivers are some of the top drivers in all types of off-road racing – desert, short-course, and rally.

There is no better way to show off your talent than in a video like this. Even with it being heavily motocross orientated the trucks are what we were looking forward to seeing. These trucks are designed to handle anything that is thrown at them and this is just one more example of what they really can do.

BJ Baldwin is no stranger to going out and having a little fun in his vehicles.

BJ Baldwin is no stranger to going out and having a little fun in his vehicles.

The video had plenty of great action and is hard not to watch over and over. What is your favorite part of the video? Tell us in the comments below!

About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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