Video: Going Over The REACT With Hypertech

OEMs like to think they know what everyone wants. They paid for the focus groups, and by gum, they’re going to stick to what those folks had to say. Luckily for us, the aftermarket exists, and it takes care of our needs and wants, like Hypertech is doing with its REACT throttle optimizer.

Hypertech’s Jim Joesel had something to say about the REACT and what it can do for a vehicle. “The REACT gives you full adjustability of your accelerator pedal,” he said. “You can make it a fuel-economy-minded vehicle, or you can make wide-open for track performance.”

The REACT requires no flashing of the ECU and won’t leave a trace, either. It plugs inline with the throttle pedal sensor and the electronic harness, and re-interprets the signal to the setting a user desires. On the off-road version of the REACT, it offers five distinct settings – Mud/Sand, Street, Economy, Crawl, and Stock.

“We made it possible for the user to find which setting they like, and then tweak it,” offered Joesel. “We don’t just do three presets and zero adjustability. Whatever you want, you’re going to be able to find what you like.”

And the adjustability doesn’t end there. If you’re really into finding the right throttle curve, Hypertech lets you do it yourself, or you can try out tunes from friends or professionals that are shared online. All it takes is an internet connection, and a simple download of Hypertech’s software.

Hypertech’s REACT is the real deal when it comes to giving off-roaders a new spin on throttle adjustment. To see more, be sure to check out the company’s website and Facebook page.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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