Toyo Tires Announces the Carve Your Adventure Facebook Contest

5400f0e8da472-Toyo_GoPro_Entry2Ok, so everyone knows that all of us in the automotive industry, not only love to win but also love FREE stuff. So, when we saw the latest Facebook contest from Toyo Tires, we couldn’t help but spread the word.

810_540ddf16f31f2-TOYO0279_Truck_Still_v3Toyo Tires, recently, announced their “Carve Your Adventure” photo contest running through September 22 on Facebook. It’s super easy to enter. Log on to Toyo’s contest Facebook page and fill out the form provided. Then upload a photo showing what adventure means to you and that’s it. Toyo Tires will be picking three submissions to award with a GoPro(R) HERO3+ Silver Editioncamera to use on your next adventure! In addition to entering the contest, you can also view all the submissions. All of the photos chosen for this article came from some of those submissions already in the contest.

810_5410b7aa8493c-1526275_10201496380793241_1472978520_nThis contest in is conjunction with the launch of the new Toyo Open Country R/T’s. The new Toyo Open Country R/T is all about carving your own path – on and off the road, states Julie Sediq, Senior Manager of Marketing Communications for Toyo Tires U.S.A. Corp. Ms. Sediq continues, ” To celebrate we are running the Toyo Tires Carve Your Adventure photo contest now through Sept 22, on the Toyo Tires Facebook page. We want people to show us what adventure means to them, and in exchange, three lucky winners will receive a GoPro(R) HERO3+ Silver Edition camera to use on their next adventure! This contest is open to current and new fans so we encourage people who haven’t connected with us to visit our Facebook page at

So, the ball is in your court now. Log on today to the Toyo Tires Facebook page and post your picture. Make us proud and show them how us “diesel folks” carve our adventures!


About the author

Nicole Girkey

As an automotive editorial Ninja, Nicole has woven her way in and out of various aspects of the automotive print and editorial industry for over 15 years. Her recent obsession, diesel trucks, with a focus on sled pulling, keeps her in the dirt. In her off time, she is steady working on creating and molding the next generation of “car guy” with her husband and son, little Cooper.
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