This Bodacious Brabus B63S 700 Is Large And In Charge

What costs $500,000, has power to all six wheels, and is one of the baddest pieces of machinery that money can buy? We’ll give you a hint, it resembles a Mercedes-AMG G63. Actually, it is a Mercedes AMG G63, well sort off. You would think that something that was a 6×6 couldn’t get any better than the way it came from the factory, but on top of the AMG treatment, it received special massaging from a another aftermarket company known as Brabus.

What goes in as a Mercedes AMG G63 emerges as the Brabus B63S 700. Even the name sounds like it’s about to conquer the world. Powered by a twin-turbo V8, this monster makes 700 HP and over 700 foot-pounds of torque. The truck is powerful enough to tackle just about any terrain or and capable of handling nearly any weather condition.

Drive it up on a scale and the readout on this baby will register a whopping 8,322 pounds, that’s nearly twice the weight of your average full size truck. What was already a worthy aggressor from the factory is tweaked a bit on the inside. Let’s just say they made things a bit more comfortable. From the red leather seats to the read leather interior trim to the read headliner, Brabus overhauled basically everything.

Should you find yourself in possession of this truck, what would you do first? Sound off in the comments below!

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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