The Stadium SUPER Trucks Are Coming To Australia In 2015

Finishing its second season in Las Vegas this November, the Stadium Super Truck (SST) series, which competes in major cities in the United States, has announced that they will be starting their 2015 season in Adelaide, Australia in conjunction with the Clipsal 500 Adelaide. The Clipsal 500 Adelaide has boasted more than 273,600 spectators over its four days of racing in 2014, and with the SST series being invited it just goes to show how rapidly the SST series has grown.

IMG_6568Series founder Robby Gordon said, “The fast growth of the SST series has been incredible and for us to take our series outside North America for the first time is a huge accomplishment, so we were very selective with which event we chose,” Gordon said. “The Clipsal 500 is one of the biggest and best entertainment events in Australia, so for us it was a perfect fit. We know how much Australians enjoy sports, and particularly auto racing, and we know that our TRAXXAS SSTs will put on a great show. It will be nothing like anything race fans in Australia have ever seen before.”

The SST series will have drivers with a variety of backgrounds from IndyCar drivers to NASCAR to Off Road to sports car drivers, all competing in trucks that have been identically prepared and purpose built, making for an amazing competition. At the street circuit at Victoria Park, the spectators will get to enjoy watching some of Australia’s popular drivers as well as some of the regular SST series drivers race over man-made ramps and reach speeds nearing 150 mph on long straights.

The two practice sessions will start on Feb 26 and then one race on each day will follow Feb 27- March 1. We can’t wait to see these guys down under in 2015.

About the author

John Gibson

John has been around dirt track racing his entire life. In fact, he was almost born at Monett Speedway in Monett, Missouri. He has raced everything on dirt and asphalt from karts, to Indy cars, to 650 horsepower stock cars in the USAR Pro Cup where he currently races.
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