Out And About: SSBC Heads To Several Pulling Events In August, 2014

When it comes to giving your rig the proper stopping power it needs, the situation changes from application to application. Towing trucks need beefier brakes than do, say, a sand rail or prerunner that’s just used for recreation. Picking the right set can be done on your own or with the advice of friends, but wouldn’t you rather gain some insight from the experts themselves?

All through August, you’ll get the chance to interact with the folks at SSBC at several events throughout Missouri, Washington, Michigan, and Utah as the company sends its knowledgable staff to diesel-centric competitions. Pulls, tractors, tug-o-wars, and more are on the menu, laid out across ten different events from August 1st to August 16th.

Several of the events are put on by the Mid Missouri Truck & Tractor Pulling Association, based out of the state’s capital in Jefferson City. SSBC will be at the second of MMTTPA’s events, held in California, Missouri, at the local fairgrounds on the 4th. Bring cash for corn dogs and soda, and get ready to watch some incredible action from Super Street, Pro Street , and 2.6 class rolling coal rigs.

Out in Washington, you’ll find SSBC at the West Coast Shootout, put on by Diesel Motorsports in Spokane on the 2nd. All diesel classes will be present at the event, meaning you can expect to race in a RWYB class if you’re really aching for the chance to strut your stuff.

Up in Michigan, SSBC is putting on Florsheims and Armani to mix and mingle at the Concours D’Elegance of Southwest Michigan, held in St. Joseph on the 9th. Gawk at classics, sip some champagne, and ham it up with the high-brow crowd as you relax on a sunny Saturday.

Finally, Utah will see the Industrial Injection Rocky Mountain Diesel Shootout on the 15th and 16th. Two different locations–one in Salt Lake City, one in Heber City–will play host to a variety of attractions in addition to the drag racing, including a Show ‘N Shine and dyno pull session.

That’s a lot to choose from for this month, and little time to prepare. Get online and over to the SSBC website for full details on the where and when, and don’t forget to follow the company on Facebook for the latest and greatest updates.

About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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