Spotted In The Shop: Eaton Elocker And Currie RockJock 44s

If you have been wondering what we have been up to with Project Redneck, our 1997 Jeep TJ project, the wait is finally over. We are in the midst of a big overhaul to the vehicle’s drivetrain. We are getting ready to install a pair of Currie Enterprises Rock Jock 44s and Eaton lockers.

Without letting too much out of the bag, we are going to be walking through the entire axle build. From the axles being built, mockup, and finishing with the installation we will cover the ins and outs of what you need to know for selecting the proper axle for your Jeep as well as the correct locker.

The Eaton Elocker comes with everything you need to get it in and wired. The wiring includes a locking switch which will prevent the button from being accidentally pushed.

This install will debunk some myths and show you what you need versus what you want. It happens all too many times in projects that receive parts that are under built for the intended application.

Building the Jeep to perform well on the trail is the ultimate goal. We want to make sure that the ride to and from the trail is enjoyable. With this build, we will be using factory JK knuckles and brakes to make sure that in the event something happens on the trial, we can head to a local auto parts store to pick up what we need.

We had a chance to go behind the scenes at Currie to see exactly how theRockJock 44 housings were made.

The Jeep will be getting these parts installed over the next couple months and be on display at Off Road Nights in Temecula, California on August 5th. Be sure to keep checking back as we go through the entire process. For more information on Currie‘s and Eaton‘s products be sure to check out their websites.

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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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