Save The Racecars! Edelbrock

Save The Racecars! Edelbrock’s Efforts To Help The RPM Act Pass

You may not be aware, but racecars are in danger of being outlawed. This goes for cars, trucks, and motorcycles that participate in all forms of motorsports. The Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports  Act of 2021 (RPM Act) (H.R. 3281/S.2736) would reverse the EPA’s interpretation of the Clean Air Act and save the racecars and the motorsports industry. Parts manufacturers such as Edelbrock are doing their part to help get the RPM Act through Congress and into law. But it’s going to take any and all of us that love building racecars and competing in motorsports to show support for the RPM Act in order to save this hobby, profession, and industry we love.

For a bit of background, in 2015, the EPA took the stance that any vehicle designed for street use converted to a dedicated racecar violates the Clean Air Act if it no longer meets emissions requirements. Although the EPA’s efforts to make its policy a formal regulation have not come to fruition, the agency remains steadfast in its position that modifying a vehicle’s emission system to convert the car for racing is illegal.

Edelbrock has a large banner on the front page of its website that makes it easy to put your support behind the RPM Act.

That’s where the RPM Act comes in. The RPM Act is a common-sense, bi-partisan piece of legislation that protects our rights to convert street vehicles into dedicated racecars. In addition, the legislation protects the aftermarket parts industry’s ability to manufacture, sell, and install products that enable racers to build racecars and compete. The RPM Act does not interfere with the EPA’s emissions requirements for street-driven vehicles or its authority to enforce regulation infractions against those that illegally install race parts on street-driven cars.

This page has done most of the work for you. Simply choose your method of contacting your representatives and within minutes you are finished.

We all need to contact our representatives and let them know we support the legislation to save our racecars and the motorsports industry we love. To help make it as easy as possible for people to do this, Edelbrock has placed a large banner front and center on its website. Clicking the banner will present you with several links that you can use to contact your representatives. First, there is a prewritten letter; you enter your name and address, and it populates an email for each of your representatives containing the prewritten letter asking for their support of the RPM Act. One click later, the emails are sent.

The second option is for those that would like to call their representatives on the phone. The website provides key talking points and notes you can have in front of you while speaking to your representatives. The website even takes care of making the calls for you.

By entering a few details, the system handles getting your show of support either in the form of a written letter or by phone call to your representatives.

As a whole, we all need to make an effort to ensure that our representatives and lawmakers know that motorsports are a national tradition that must be saved. Do your part by visiting Edelbrock’s website and getting involved.

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About the author

Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy loves to go fast, whether that's on two wheels, four wheels, or boating. With a willingness to compete at almost anything, Jeremy shoots competition long-range rifles matches and races road bicycles and enjoys building vehicles for people.
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