ProCharger Shows Some Love To Chevy/GMC 1500/2500HD Owners

chev4When it comes to adding some power under the hood of your off-road truck, there are a ton of different options including intakes, exhausts, tunes, and more. For those seeking huge power gains however, the silver bullet has got to be forced induction. One of the companies that’s dedicated to creating more power and more importantly, dedicated to the off-road community, is ProCharger and their complete lineup of off-road focused supercharger systems.

chev3ProCharger is in the business of creating more power under the hoods of truck owners everywhere and just recently released a product that is going to make some GM enthusiasts smile. New for 2007-2013 Chevy/GMC 1500/2500HDs is ProCharger’s i-1 supercharger system that literally brings power selection to the driver’s fingertips. Featuring an in-cab touch screen display, drivers are able to dial in the amount of boost they want depending on the situation and alter the power curve to choose how the power actually comes on. This can be extremely beneficial in low traction situations where a lot of boost and a strong power curve might make the truck difficult to drive.

i-1 touch screen system show in F150 Raptor interior.

i-1 touch screen system show in F150 Raptor interior.

In situations like this, drivers are able to easily select what level of boost they want and alter the power curve to get the traction they need. On the contrary, if the driver wants to turn it up a notch out on the trail, they can easily do so using the same touch screen display. With these i-1 supercharger systems, including a system for the 6.0-liter 2500 application, owners get the choice of vertical or horizontally mounted air-to-air intercoolers, easy bolt on installation, and still retain the drivability of the stock truck.

For more information on all of ProCharger’s supercharger systems and to find the right one for your off-roader, check out their homepage and visit them on Facebook as well!

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