Earlier this month, we were busting our butts in the Las Vegas Convention Center to bring you all up-to-date coverage of the SEMA Show. We ran, we typed, we snapped pictures, and we ate greasy, overpriced hot dogs for sustenance.
Across town, however, Caesar’s Palace was evidently the place to be for awesome stadium action. That’s because it played host to the final race of the 2013 Inaugural Season of SPEED Energy Stadium SUPER Trucks.
For the unfamiliar, Stadium SUPER Trucks is a relatively new venture to bring the “best of Baja together with all the excitement of motocross on four wheels to sporting venues all across North America.” Started last year by Robby Gordon, the series has brought on a great deal of attention and enthusiasm with the sport have grown immensely, and it hasn’t hurt that the series has brought on such well-known stars as Rob MacCachren and Kyle LeDuc to its roster.
That fateful Friday night, on November the 8th, it was the three-way competition between Rob Mac, Robby Gordon, and P.J. Jones that had the crowd cheering and whooping as the three men battled it out over the course of 30 laps around the Caesar’s Palace estate. An early restart of the race–following mechanical failures on several trucks–gave an advantage to the three men after the herd was culled.
Gordon, who was in fifth place at the beginning of the restart, quickly found his footing and made his way into second place after overcoming MacCachren and Jerrett Brooks, the latter of whom had started experiencing issues with his truck and was then forced to drop out of the race. MacCachren, for his own part, would also suffer some the same issues, resulting in a loss.
It would come down to Jones, Gordon, and youngster Scotty Steele as the top three for the race as the checkered flag waved. It was Jones’ first ever win in the SST circuit, and Steele’s first ever podium finish.
To get more info on the SST races, check out their website and Facebook page. We expect 2014 to be even better as this series returns to Las Vegas once again in March.