Off-Road Expo 2017: Dust 2 Glory Teased At Show For December Release

The Off-Road Expo is truly a place where the off-road nation comes together and this year a select few got a sneak peek at the all-new Dust 2 Glory movie. This film is the sequel to Dana Brown’s 2005 Dust to Glory and covers the entire 2016 SCORE desert racing season.

“SCORE is extremely enthusiastic regarding the release of this epic production chronicling the daring exploits of the courageous competitors amidst the background of Mexico’s stirring Baja California peninsula,” commented Roger Norman, SCORE CEO/president who himself is a former overall winner of the legendary SCORE Baja 1000. “Where the dynamic ‘Dust to Glory’ left off, the new ‘Dust 2 Glory’ tells the rest of the story of the SCORE World Desert Championship.”

If you enjoyed Dust to Glory, Dust 2 Glory is going to blow you away!

From just the 12-minute teaser, we were blown away and cannot wait for the movie to hit theaters. The film takes the same style from Dust to Glory, but takes it up to a whole new level.

“Dana Brown and Bud Brutsman have weaved together a tantalizing tapestry of the intense racing, committed families, extraordinary race vehicles and the wonderful people of Baja,” Norman continued. “The movie showcases what the SCORE World Desert Championship is all about, unlike any other form of racing in the world. Audiences will be stunned, exhilarated, literally left speechless and most of all – delightfully entertained.”

If you are a fan of off-road this is the film for you. The film is set for a one night premiere event in cinemas on December 6th. For more information on the event and to get your tickets check out Fathom Events for more details. Where will you be December 6th?

About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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