New Air Lift LoadLifter 5000 For Ford F-150 Raptor

Aftermarket air spring manufacturer Air Lift Company has launched a new product designed for the 2021 to 2024 Ford F-150 Raptor. The LoadLifter 5000 Ultimate with Air Spring Cradle offers drivers a way to maintain optimal vehicle performance and safety, even when carrying heavy loads. The new kit tackles some of the most common issues truck owners face when towing or hauling. It helps eliminate problems like squatting, which can cause poor headlight aim, and it reduces body roll, both of which can negatively impact steering and braking.

LoadLifter 5000

These benefits are achieved through a combination of features, including double-bellow air springs, which provide up to 5,000 pounds of load-leveling capacity. Additionally, the system has an internal jounce bumper. This helps to smooth transitions over rough roads. It also prevents bottoming out and it offers extra protection when hauling or towing heavy loads.

Ford F-150 With LoadLifter 5000

An added kit component is the Air Spring Cradle, which is designed specifically to allow the air spring to be separated from its lower bracket. This means that the F-150 Raptor’s suspension can be fully extended while still having a seat for the air spring during suspension compression. Other kit components include upper and lower roll plates and ultra-high-strength nylon end caps.

LoadLifter 5000

For many decades, Air Lift Company has been producing reliable air suspensions. Founded in 1949, the company remains a family owned and operated business into its third generation and maintains its promise of quality. Air Lift’s test procedure includes a 1-million-cycle fatigue test on all the key suspension components, such as the air springs and hardware. Quality is assured by the industry-exclusive limited lifetime warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee, giving customers full confidence in their purchase.

The LoadLifter 5000 Ultimate with Air Spring Cradle for the 2021 to 2024 Ford F-150 Raptor can be acquired from various retailers. For more information visit

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