Howell Releases Expanded Coverage For Throttle Body Injection Kit

New from Howell – their Expanded Throttle Body Injection (TBI) Kit Coverage. This kit now covers any make or model V6 or V8 engine that uses ignition other than points. See more details below.

Official Release:

Howell EFI entered the market developing high quality, emissions legal, Jeep and AMC V8 Throttle Body Injection (TBI) kits for off-road including the 304, 360 and 401. Now, Howell, in response to customer demand, offers almost universal TBI kit coverage for any make or model V6 or V8 engine that uses ignition other than points. Howell’s Jeep, Toyota and GM TBI kits improve drivability, fuel mileage and cold starting.

The new TBI conversion kit, designed to provide almost universal coverage, features a remanufactured GM throttle body appropriate for the engine size and is designed to operate for engines with, or without, ECM controlled ignition. The kit includes the ECM, fuel pump and all sensors, components and wiring harnesses. Both the custom calibration PROM and the ECM installs under the dash. The fuel pump which installs in the main fuel line, allows the bypass fuel to return to the tank. Harnesses include a diagnostic connector and diagnostic similar to what is found in a 1986-92 GM pickup.

Howell EFI also offers custom kit conversions for vehicles where the universal kit is not designed to work.


  • Universal coverage for any make or model V6/V8 engine that uses ignition other than points
  • Improves drivability, fuel mileage and cold starting
  • Remanufactured GM throttle body appropriate for the engine size

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About the author

Chris McWilliams

Chris McWilliams grew up watching his dad race go-karts around his Southern Indiana home and started racing junior dragsters when he was 10 years old. Chris drove a UMP Mini Stock for two seasons until he totaled his racecar in an accident at Western Kentucky Speedway. He is currently a college student at Oakland City University working on a degree to pay the bills for his dirt racing addiction.
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