HGTV’s Host of “Inside Out” Mike Pyle Installs an SCT Burst Throttle

Mike Pyle from HGTV’s show “Inside Out” uses a truck every day to complete his job as a landscaper. “There is no way I could live my life without a truck,” said Mike. “I’ve had Fords since I was nineteen years old, and every single time, I would soup them up as soon as possible.” Mike spends his days driving his Ford F-150 from house to house working on homes and filming HGTV’s “Inside Out.” He loves his Ford but when it comes to throttle response he agrees there could be some improvement from stock.

Mike Pyle shows how easy it is to install an SCT Burst Throttle Booster.

Even though Mike is quick to talk about how much he likes modifying his Fords he acquiesces that now that he’s married and a family man sometimes a less modified vehicle is a better fit. This is why he likes the adjustable Burst Throttle Booster from SCT. The plug-and-play kit comes with a dial for throttle response from zero to one hundred. When the dial is at zero the throttle response is close to OEM settings. When it is set to one hundred, it’s time to move!

Mike says he leaves the knob setting at 25 when the wife and kids are in the truck, and then he jumps it up to 100 when he has to quickly get to the job site.

SCT’s Burst Throttle Booster is only $299 and immediately after plugging it in you will feel the improved throttle response. The installation is extremely simple. All you have to do is plug it inline between your vehicle’s pedal position sensor and the vehicle harness. Then you can use the control knob to adjust your throttle response on the fly.

Everything you need to install the Burst Throttle Booster is included in the SCT kit. The kit is 100% plug-and-play.

According to SCT this part is warranty safe. For folks who live in California, SCT even offers a CARB approved version of the Burst Throttle Booster so smogging the vehicle isn’t a problem. It is one of the easiest performance modifications you can make to a vehicle.

After installing the SCT Burst Throttle Booster Mike Pyle cruises his F-150 around to feel the difference. With a big smile Mike says, “Much quicker, much quicker, this is staying in the truck for sure.”

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About the author

Rob Krider

Rob Krider will race absolutely anything. He is a multi-national champion racing driver and is also the author of the novel, Cadet Blues.
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