Jeep Wrangler JK Stuck Knee Deep In Mud

mud2Let’s face it, getting stuck while on the trail is really no fun at all. It can cause damage, it can be time consuming to get out, and depending on the circumstances, you can get incredibly dirty in the process. For most off roaders, we spend the majority of our time trying to maintain momentum, choose careful lines, and drive with the overall intentions to not get stuck. Because of this, we here at Offroad Xtreme really got a great deal of laughs from a site we recently referenced that is dedicated to getting vehicles stuck – but with one small catch.

mudThis website, appropriately named, takes models out for photo shoots – only the “set” isn’t a studio, it’s in the middle of the Nevada desert with one very stuck vehicle. The site has a tremendous amount of variety depending on what you’re into – whether it be Corvettes, side-by-sides, trucks, or Mustangs. With one of our largest markets being the Jeep market, we had to show some love to them with this great find – a Jeep Wrangler JK very stuck in some nice slimy mud.

mud3Take a look at the pictures as there are some real gems to be found. The photographer documented the entire event from the Jeep being very clean and actually airborne at one point, all the way until that same Jeep was stuck deep in the Nevada mud. While we appreciate their effort and the laughs that have ensued because of it, we don’t envy whoever had to clean up the mess!

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