Jay Leno Goes Offroading In A Toyota RAV4

Since retiring from The Tonight Show, Jay Leno has grown his little YouTube channel side gig into a full-time endeavor, dropping automotive knowledge every week while exploring both the history, and future, of the automobile industry. While popular cars like the 2016 Camaro and Ford GT make regular appearances, Jay also likes to shine the spotlight on automotive oddities.

rav4-2That’s what we’d label 2015 Toyota RAV4 Rally Car owned and operated by famed racer Rhys Millen, as it isn’t everyday that you see a family crossover powersliding through California’s backcountry.

Not that Leno stays off-road for long, as the scene quickly shifts to the oft-dry LA River causeway that intersects the City of Angels and lets Leno do some urban rallying without having to deal with the metropolis’s notorious traffic. With Leno in the driver’s seat and Millen riding shotgun, the rally racer lays out some surprising facts about the production-based driving machine.

While it has only about 180 horsepower on tap and is built using mostly components from its street-driving sibling, the Rally RAV4 will still eat through its tires in as little as 60 minutes of hard racing.

Of course being a race car, convenience features like air conditioning were tossed in the trash, meaning Leno and Millen were forced to endure LA’s heat without help. This prompted a visit to a former nude beach, where the RAV4 can flex its off-road abilities. This is a less-serious, more-fun video from Leno to ring in 2016, and we’re hoping it’s a sign of things to come in the new year.


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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