Event Alert: Ultra 4 Racing Glen Helen Grand Prix


Glen helen 2

This weekend Ultra 4 racing will be in Southern California, racing out at Glen Helen Raceway July 10th and 11th for the 5th annual Glen Helen Grand Prix. These are the some of the same vehicles that raced earlier this year at King of the Hammers.

Finish Line -- 2013 4 Wheel Parts Glen Helen Grand PrixLast years race driver Loren Healy had the fastest qualifying time on Friday in his brand new Jimmy’s 4×4 Independent Front Suspension car. Healy started on the pole in the first prelim and stayed at the front of the pack all day Saturday to take home the win.

Loren Healy will be back out looking to take the checkered flag once again. Wayland Campbell, Derek West, Shannon Campbell, Greg Adler, and others look to take that win from him.

Qualifying takes place Friday with prelims and a last chance qualifier on Saturday. The main event will start at 4:45 pm Saturday with a field of 40 racers taking the green flag. Racing will conclude at 6:45pm, followed up with the awards ceremony at 7 pm.

glen helen 4Also racing in the Grand Prix will be the UTV class and the Stock/Legends/Spec/Mod class. These races will take place before the Ultra 4 events. They will have a prelim race as well as a main event similar to the Ultra 4 class.

It will be an intense battle Saturday afternoon. For two hours the Ultra 4 trucks will be doing everything they can to come across the finish line first.

We at Off Road Xtreme will be out watching the action this weekend, so stay tuned for our coverage coming out later this month!

More information and a weekend schedule, can be found on Ultra 4’s website.

About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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