Event Alert: Stadium Super Trucks Lake Elsinore January 27

Stadium Super Trucks (SST) has been slowly taking over the world the past few years. Having started in 2013, it’s shocking how quickly the race series has grown in the past four years, but it’s also a wonderful thing.

Partially, it’s because SST has shared with the world something us off-roaders knew for a long time – getting some Z (vertical jumps) in that X and Y graph of driving can really add to a race! And we’ll be getting a heavy helping of X, Y, and Z this Saturday – SST is coming to Lake Elsinore, California for a one-night event.

Ordinarily, Storm Stadium is your average sports venue. People come out, order hot dogs and beer, and wait for an errant baseball to come flying into their mitt. But when off-road is on the menu, the whole place changes. We witnessed this firsthand last month (off-duty), when SST came into town for its World Championship Finals.

The flyer for Saturday’s event. Photo: Stadium Super Trucks

Now, we get a second chance to view this amazing sport and see what the athletes can do. On the agenda are a handful of classes, including 170cc UTVs, 1000cc UTVs, Mod Karts, and 1450 trucks. The fan favorite will be the 1450 trucks, but having seen this event before, we know the 1000cc UTVs will be a great one to catch, too.

This is the first SST event of 2018, and what a great way to start off the year. Check out more from SST on its website, and we’ll see you in Elsinore!

About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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