Charging Ahead: ProCharger Supercharger Kits For Wranglers

It’s no secret that ProCharger self-contained supercharger systems are the first and only self-lubricating gear-driven centrifugal blower on the market today. You may also recall that a ProCharger setup features the industry’s highest street legal step-up ratio, contains unique billet impellers, and packs the industry’s only billet gearcase. But who here knows what sort of performance returns Jeep Wrangler owners can expect to see from this sort of centrifugal supercharger system?

To quote the brand directly, “There is absolutely nothing ‘mild’ about the power gains a ProCharger supercharger system adds to Jeeps these days.” We aren’t talking about an extra pony or two here either, but 425+HP on JL models straight out the gate. That’s around 50 percent more power on average, and ProCharger is just getting warmed up.

Negating all of the additional weight and aerodynamic issues commonly associated with extensive mods is a huge selling point for ProCharger shoppers. By pairing a ProCharger P-1SC-1 head unit with a front-mounted intercooler, Jeep Wrangler drivers can see real-world gains on premium petrol, both on and off-road.

ProCharger’s patented design eliminates the need for running lines and punching holes in oil pans, as each unit packs its own integrated oil pump. Aerating the oil allows the centrifugal setup to produce an oily mist, which in turn lubricates internal bearings and gears. This unique approach also eliminates the need to prime the system upon start-up, and reduces oil changes to the 6,000-mile mark.

Another perk is the fact that instead of being forced to utilize engine oil or pack grease inside sealed bearings, a ProCharger setup comes lubricated with an ultra high-grade synthetic oil specifically engineered for this sort of application. This means that both frictional heat and parasitic loads are reduced drastically, all while eliminating the risk of encountering clogged oil lines, drainage issues, or engine leakage headaches.

Finally, ProCharger also remains the only manufacturer to offer the choice of either standard or helical gearsets for noise reduction, making them the only self-contained supercharger on the market durable enough to be backed by a three-year warranty.

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About the author

Micah Wright

Raised on LEGOs by grandfathers who insisted on fixing everything themselves, Micah has been a petrolhead in training since age four. His favorite past times include craft beer, strong cigars, fast cars, and culinary creativity in all of its forms.
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