BIGFOOT Monster Truck Teams To Defend 2014 Racing Series Titles

Bigfoot-1It’s no surprise that monster trucks and monster-truck racing has not only remained popular, but grown steadily, since Bob Chandler built the first BIGFOOT back in the 70s. The action is fast, the jumps are high and the roar of the supercharged engines can be heard for miles. And the BIGFOOT team is going stronger than ever for the 2014 season in a number of monster-truck racing series. One of those is the “Toughest Monster Truck” Series Championship.

BigfootThumbVeteran driver Dan Runte and the Summit Racing BIGFOOT monster truck are preparing to defend the 2012 and 2013 “Toughest Monster Truck” Series Championship. “This series is one of the most competitive in the industry, and we take it very seriously,” explained Runte. “Even with as great as the truck did in 2012, our shop guys fine-tuned a few things and it worked even better in 2013–even better than any of us thought. We ended up winning the 2013 Championship by over 100 points!” Dan added.

“The ‘Toughest Monster Truck’ events are the kind you wait the whole year for,” said Bob Trent, VP of Sponsorship and New Business Development. “The tracks are second to none and they use huge obstacles, not to mention that your competition is some of the best in the industry.”

The BIGFOOT Team always knows that Runte will be competitive behind the wheel, but this series is just not a walk in the park. “I am sure that this year’s competitors will step up their game, especially after seeing how Runte and the Summit Racing BIGFOOT performed all last year, but we’ll be ready for them!” Trent continued.

For more information on the “Toughest Monster Truck Tour,” check out And for more information on the entire BIGFOOT monster truck team, including a schedule of live events, up-to-date news, online store and more, visit the official site at, or check out the BIGFOOT team on Facebook.

About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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