Add An Engine Oil Cooler To Your Small- Or Big-Block Chevy

When it comes to making sure your engine has the appropriate amount of oil to keep it alive, it pays to have a name you can trust in building your oil components. Improved Racing is one of those companies, and has been building high-quality oil system products since 2008. They specialize in anti-starvation and cooling products for high-performance enthusiasts, professional race teams, and various military, aerospace, and marine industries around the globe.

With such high regard for Improved Racing’s products found the world over, you can rest assured that their products will work equally well on whatever project you park in your garage. Improved Racing offers various designs of oil coolers and adapters to suit any application or need. If you’re pushing your small-block or big-block Chevy engine’s performance, can bet the fluid that is keeping your engine alive definitely needs some help to keep its cool under heavy acceleration.

Get Cool

If you’re using your GEN-I and II small-block or Mark 1-6 big-block Chevy engine for all it’s worth, then keeping your engine’s oil cool should be a main priority. Oil is a major contributor to removing heat from an engine. Helping your engine’s lifeblood shed that unwanted heat not only extends the life of your oil, it also helps your engine live longer too.

Improved Racing offers sandwiched oil cooler fittings with or without a thermostat.

Improved Racing offers a thermostatic oil cooler that is sandwiched between the block and the oil filter. The kit includes an Improved Racing thermostatic sandwich plate, the ENV-118 filter spacer, and 410 stainless steel 13/16-16 filter bung extension screws. The built-in thermostat bypasses the oil cooler until it has reached its minimum operating temperature. This allows for quicker warm-up times and prevents the oil cooler from over-cooling the engine during street driving. Thermostats are available in 180-, 200-, and 212-degree temperatures, and oil cooler sandwich plates are also offered without a thermostat for track-only vehicles.

If space is an issue, Improved Racing also has a remote oil- and transmission-fluid filter mount. By mounting your engine’s oil filter remotely, you can gain additional cooling, as well as necessary space for any installation. Like the thermostatic cooler, Improved Racing’s remote filter mount also includes a thermostat to ensure the fluid gets to a safe operating temperature quickly before being diverted to the cooler. The inlet and outlet ports are in standard -10AN O-ring boss threads. Optional fittings are available to accommodate -6 AN, -8 AN, -10 AN, and -12 AN lines, or 3/8- and 1/2-inch hose. The remote filter adapter is compatible with M22x1.50, 13/16-16, and 3/4-16 filter threads (filter thread adapter screw sold separately) and are compatible with filters using gaskets up to 3.55-inch outer diameter.

If you're looking to move your oil filter to a more convenient place, Improved Racing has got you covered as well as properly cooled.

All Improved Racing products have a lifetime warranty and are proudly made in the USA. Check out Improved Racing’s webpage for all the innovative products it offers for the performance enthusiast. Your engine will thank you for it!

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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