SEMA 2024: Oracle Lighting Brings a Brighter Future for Retail

Oracle Lighting, an established leader in advancing the automotive lighting space, was awarded a highly sought-after prize at the 2024 SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Oracle Lighting won the New Product of the Year Award in the Merchandising Display category for its Interactive Modular Showroom Display System. Its clever blend of form and function, tailored to better serve the customer, immediately captured attendees’ and judges’ imaginations in the retail automobile environment.

The SEMA New Product Awards are the ultimate recognition of the best achievements in the automotive specialty-equipment market. More than 1,600 products competed for recognition in 18 categories, and Oracle Lighting was one of them. The company’s win clearly shows how the company is really committed to providing retailers with effective tools for demonstrating and showcasing its products.

Measuring over seven feet tall, the Interactive Modular Showroom Display System is unmissable, yet it has a compact footprint requiring only 4.4 square feet of floor space. That means retailers can maximize their showroom area while building a high-impact presentation. Available with interchangeable panels, this system showcases Oracle Lighting’s best sellers, including Oculus Switchback headlights, flush mount LED tail lights, and Vega LED pods.

Another plus of this display system is its adaptability. Product presentation can easily be updated with new items just off the shelf by means of easy plug-and-play connectors. This will help to ensure the display always has new products for customers to see. The system also features heavy-duty steel construction with integrated wheels that allow for mobility around the showroom. Optional features, such as mounting an LED TV to play Oracle Lighting demo videos, enhance its functionality even further.

“The new modular showroom system from ORACLE Lighting features some of our most innovative and popular products, like the Oculus Bi-LED headlights, flush LED tail lights, and Vega light pods,” said Justin Hartenstein, Founder and Director of Product Development at ORACLE Lighting. “This merchandising display was created based on feedback we received from retailers nationwide, resulting in a modular design where individual panels can be swapped or upgraded over time. Each panel has integrated controls for an interactive experience. I’m thrilled to see these systems transforming showrooms across the country in 2025.”


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