SEMA 2024: BendPak OctaFlex Eight-Arm Two-Post Lift

The BendPak Octaflex with eight- arm two-post lift

If you’ve been waiting for a better way to handle heavy-duty repairs and maintenance, BendPak just dropped something that’s about to change the game. Introducing the BendPak OctaFlex, the world’s first eight-arm, two-post lift, unveiled at SEMA 2024. Built for versatility, safety, and ease of use, this lift is perfect for tough jobs that may require another set of arms.

Why OctaFlex Stands Out

At its core, the OctaFlex operates like a standard two-post lift with a solid 12,000-pound capacity. That alone is enough to handle most vehicles you’d see in a shop. But the magic happens when you need more. The lift features extra arm extensions that fold down.

For tasks that require access to the underside of a vehicle these extra arms really change the game. Whether you’re doing a body-drop on a frame or taking the cab, or bed off of a truck, this extra set of arms caters to your stability and lifting needs when you need that work done properly.

Built for Safety and Efficiency

Anyone who’s worked on trucks or car restorations knows the traditional methods can be a headache — and sometimes downright dangerous. Lifting or dropping a car’s body onto a frame during its restoration, or crawling under a chassis for a cab-off repair isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s risky.

The OctaFlex eliminates those pain points by giving technicians clear, elevated access to the vehicle. It makes even the toughest jobs feel more manageable. OctaFlex is designed to be more ergonomic, cutting down on strain, and most importantly, creating a safer work environment.

The BendPak Octaflex with eight- arm two-post lift at SEMA

The Buzz At SEMA

Sean Price, BendPak’s Director of Sales Operations, couldn’t hide his excitement about the OctaFlex at SEMA 2024. “This lift simplifies everything,” he said. “It’s more ergonomic, it’s safer, and it’s a huge step forward for anyone working on trucks or EVs. The response has been incredible.”

Arriving in about six months, the OctaFlex is already attracting attention. This lift is particularly appealing to shops working on heavy-duty vehicles and more intricate EV maintenance. BendPak has always been about making work easier and safer for technicians, and the OctaFlex takes that mission to the next level. If you’re ready to upgrade your shop’s capabilities, keep an eye out — this is one lift you don’t want to miss.

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