SEMA 2017: King Shocks’ New 3-Inch Toyota Tundra Shocks

King Shocks has unveiled their newest coilover shocks for the popular Toyota Tundra pickup here at SEMA. They feature a 3-inch body — a step up from the 2.5-inch body of the previous generation of shock.

Everything is going bigger this year. Everyone wants to get slightly more performance out of it. – Jason Gonzalez, King Shocks

According to King’s Jason Gonzalez, the Tundra shock comes standard with their thin reservoirs and compression adjusters, and feature a new pre-load adjustment on the base of the shock that makes it much easier to adjust than previous iterations.

“Everything is going bigger this year. Everyone wants to get slightly more performance out of it,” Gonzalez says. “When you step up from a 2.5- to a 3-inch you get more fluid capacity, a larger piston, more shock valving, so you get more control over the chassis — non just offroad, but on-road, as well. It gives you a more comfortable ride when you step up to the larger shocks.”

A pinch bolt holds the new pre-load adjuster in place — by loosening said bolt, a threaded collar rides up and down the shaft that’s been designed to be easy to turn and adjust. A limiter puts the brakes on the pre-load so you can’t add so much pre-load that you get a poor ride quality; Gonzalez sharing that, “we don’t want you to get a poor ride out of it by overextending the shock. We want you have to have control over that.”

All of King’s new-generation shocks being launched now and in the future will come with this new design pre-load adjuster, Gonzalez confirms.

The thin reservoir, as many offroad enthusiasts know, adds more surface area and results in better performance — Gonzalez explaining, “as you’re cruising down the road, you have airflow that goes across the reservoir, and the more surface area you have, since it is aluminum, it will dissipate that heat. It helps keep the shock temperatures cool and performing at their best.”

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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