SEMA 2016: Going Extreme With Fab Fours’ Kymera


One of the most exciting builds we couldn’t wait to see at the 2016 SEMA Show was “Kymera,” built by the folks at Fab Fours. The build is over the top with custom unique features that Fab Fours is known for, but still in a practical off-road monster.


Fab Fours may not be showcasing any product on this build, but it is everything they live up to!

This is a one-of-a-kind diesel 2015 Chevy Colorado, but it is not the 2.8-liter Duramax you’d expect. “The truck is chop topped with a 5.9-liter 12-valve Cummins,” Kermit Baker of Fab Fours explained. “This build is something wild and crazy that makes people come over and check the vehicle out while wanting to find out more about what Fab Fours is about.”

Custom parts are all over this vehicle. From the massive Fox shocks to the military grade axles – this rig means business.

“The favorite part of the build has to be the shock towers,” Baker said. “The design actually gets the most criticism as people assume that obstructs your view while it really doesn’t. Another favorite part of the truck is the 12-valve Cummins with the straight pipe out the back.”

The exterior is not the only thing that got touched during the build process, the interior was touched with the same care.

The vehicle takes a different approach than anything else we saw at the show and brings a unique style that Fab Fours has become known for. Kymera made it to the top 21 in SEMA’s Battle of the Builders competition this year.


This is definitely one vehicle that stopped people in their tracks. It was too hard not to stop and check this beast out.

A rig like this may not have any of the companies parts on it, but for the loyal following that Fab Fours has created, SEMA is a place to show their appreciation and give back to the industry.

For more information on Fab Fours and its products be sure to check out its website.


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About the author

Steven Olsewski

Steven Olsewski grew up with a true passion for anything with a motor. He loves his wife and kids, and during the year can be found enjoying quality time together. They are a huge part of his life and their passion for God.
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