SEMA 2015: Magnuson Supercharges Toyota Pickups Where TRD Left Off

For the last 14 years, Magnuson Superchargers has manufactured TRD superchargers for Toyota enthusiasts. Just months ago, TRD announced that the division was to be closed — leaving enthusiasts without an option for a trusted forced-induction source.

Once again, Magnuson Superchargers has stepped up to the plate to offer enthusiasts a reliable, forced-induction solution. Erin Helm, from Magnuson Superchargers, explains what the company will provide. She comments, “We purchased all of the manufacturing components from TRD to continue to produce the TVS 1900 superchargers. The superchargers will continue to be produced in-house. They’ve changed a bit visually, but you can still expect the same quality and reliability as before.”

She continues, “The units will stay exactly the same, with some minor alterations. These alterations give the unit a cleaner look, and provide a much more appealing routing option for some of the hoses and lines. Enthusiasts can expect to increase horsepower levels by around 120 to the wheels over the factory 5.7-liter V8. We’re currently working on a tuning calibration, since our tuner kits are the only ones available as of now. These units are C.A.R.B. pending, so it’s been a really easy transition for us.”

Helm comments that the only visual change to the kit is the top of the blower, which now has a more pronounced style. She also says that Magnuson has plans to release a TSV 3.4 supercharger package in the future for earlier Toyota models, as well as a package for those that are powered by a 4.0-liter V6 engine.

“The main changes to the kit were a redesigned intercooler system,” Helm said. “Enthusiasts no longer need to remove the front-bumper like the TRD unit required. Other than that, it’s still a roots-style supercharger package. We still use the 1900 Eaton rotors, which matches the previous supercharger kits. We include our LTR air-to-water intercooler system, and the package also comes with a new set of spark plugs that are a colder heat-range. Every bracket, hose, and clamp will be provided as this is a complete kit.”

The company’s goal, is to continue the original TRD product-line and provide enthusiasts with reliable forced-induction options. Interested in learning more? Head over to Magnuson’s website for more information on your application.

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About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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