SEMA 2015: Lund Schools Us On Truck And Jeep Accessories


Lund is here in force with a host of new items made to protect and stylize rigs of all types. From Jeeps to Fords to Toyotas and more, the company has a wide array of products in the accessory market across its brands, including AMP Research, AVS, Bushwacker, Rampage Products, Stampede, and Tonno Pro.


Bushwacker’s Max Coverage fender flares are a pocket-style design, adding another three inches of width to the body side to side. They’re great for running bigger wheels and tires.

“Right now, we have our Max Coverage fender flares through our Bushwacker brand,” said Lund’s Andy Lilienthal. “These pocket-style flares offer another 1.5 inches of coverage per side, giving you an extra three inches of coverage overall to run bigger tires.”

With no cutting or drilling required for installation, these fender flares offer a non-permanent alteration to current trucks including the Ram 1500 and Ford F-150.

Also from Bushwacker is new trail armor for trucks. The composite material of the armor covers up rocker panels and pinch welds. “We’ve made trail armor for Jeeps for years and expanding into trucks is something that our customers have wanted, so it just makes sense,” commented Lilienthal.

The Trailview soft top for JK Wranglers shown closed (left) and open (right)

Meanwhile, Rampage Products released a new Trailview soft top for Jeeps. “This is something we’ve been working on for quite a while,” said Lilienthal. “It is part of our frameless top series, and gives users bigger windows without need for extra fasteners or bows.” Capable of opening and closing from inside the vehicle, it manages a “Z” fold that allows the outside panel remain outside, so the inside panel remains free of contaminants and water.

Showcased on this 2015 F-150 was the AVS Aeroskin II hood protector.

Showcased on this 2015 Ford F-150 is the AVS Aeroskin II hood protector, Bushwacker fender flares, side steps, and a bull bar.

AVS developed the new Aeroskin II hood protector for trucks, which is made from TPO plastic and behaves aerodynamically to protect against bugs, rocks, and other airborne debris. “It adheres to the vehicle with 3M Automotive double-sided tape and is extremely strong,” said Lilienthal.

Lund and its brands definitely have a lot going on for the truck and Jeep market these days. You can check out more from these companies by visiting the Lund website, or calling with the provided contact information below.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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