SEMA 2015: Granatelli Gives Lowdown On Ignition Coils

The folks at Granatelli Motorsports are at the point of the spear once again. The 2015 SEMA Show saw the aftermarket experts out and about with a healthy display of ignition products meant to make the cut for high-performance Ford and GM applications.


Ignition coils for the LS series V8s are plentiful, and with the Malevolent series, are intense and powerful as well.

It goes without saying that the LS series V8 has done much to revolutionize the world of automotive enthusiasm, offering an affordable and highly adaptable platform to install in just about anything with four tires and a steering wheel. The Malevolent series by Granatelli contributes to the LS V8s by offering four times as much spark as the stock coils. They’re also OBDII-compatible, have direct OEM fitment, come in black and blue colors, and do not violate the factory warranty.

With that much spark now shooting in the combustion chamber, you’d be right in thinking this makes a difference in horsepower and torque. Testing by Granatelli technicians shows these coils can produce up to 12 horsepower over stock in a naturally aspirated vehicle, with an average gain of six to eight horsepower on an otherwise stock vehicle. If you factor in heavily modified vehicles, that number can jump up to 18 horsepower – talk about big gains in a small package.

For Modular Motor V8 enthusiasts, Granatelli offers several options that encompass the two-valve (left), three-valve (middle), and four-valve (right) subtypes.

Ford fans can have their pick of Granatelli’s products as well. Modular Motor V8s from the 1990s and 2000s have become a popular option in the racing scene, and Granatelli is happy to support these efforts with ignition coils for two-valve, three-valve, and four-valve models.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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