SEMA 2014: Currie Enterprises Debuts New RockJock 70 Axle


Currie Enterprises is constantly innovating – creating new and better axles, drivetrain, suspension, and steering products for the automotive enthusiast. At the 2014 SEMA Show, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, the company was showing off some of its newest equipment.

IMG_0212xWe talked to John Currie, the mastermind of the operation, to find out exactly what Currie Enterprises had to offer. The hottest item on the agenda was the new Currie RockJock 70. “Our new RockJock 70 comes with a massive truss kit that gives it incredible strength for even the most harsh duty. We have been running it in our Ultra4 race car and it’s held up quite well,” said Currie.

“The RockJock 70 has a 10.6-inch ring gear, and there are two versions. You can get it with a 35-spline pinion shaft, and a 5.38:1 axle gear ratio. Or there’s a 29-spline pinion shaft version with a 5.13:1 axle gear ratio.

“The new RockJock 70 will also be available with the all-new Eaton ELocker. We also offer it with two different brake sets. Either StopTech or Wilwood disc brakes are an option.” Currie also told us that, “Our RockJock 60 is coming soon, and it will look very much like the 70.”

For all the details about the new RockJock 70 available now, and the rest of the Currie Enterprises axle, drivetrain, suspension, and steering products, go to the Currie Enterprises’ website or call (714) 528-6957.


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About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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