SEMA 2013: Protect Your Truck With Road Armor

1L6A0450Lets face it, bumpers are meant to protect you against harm. Unfortunately, today’s safety standards are designed such that bumpers are really just minor safety devices that buckle under almost any type of load, causing damage to the bumper but many times, they take out other sheet metal parts of the truck. This doesn’t even take in to account the possible animal strike that can not only take out a bumper, but in some instances total a vehicle completely. We stopped by one of the biggest names in the business, Road Armor at this year’s SEMA Show to see what they had going on.

1L6A0446Mark Hanson, CEO of Road Armor mentioned that they had seen a lot of interest in lighted bumpers and showed us two of their newest creations. They recently went into production on a Ford F-150 Raptor bumper. Like all of their bumpers, these are built out of 3/16-inch steel with 1/4-inch structural braces and frame brackets. These are all designed to follow the vehicle’s body lines and truly look like an actual OEM heavy duty bumper. The new Raptor bumper comes with or without a winch option. The winch bumpers are designed for a 12,000-pound winch and house a rectangular light on either side. These still have mounting provisions for additional fog lights.

1L6A0452The other bumper they just released is called the Illuminator because of the massive 20-inch center mounted light it can house. These bumpers are made out of the same material as above and fit 2011-2014 Ford Super Duty, 2010-2013 Ram 2500-5500, 2011-2013 Chevy HD 2500 and 3500 and 2012 Toyota Tacomas. Stay tuned for more updates!

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About the author

Chad Westfall

With diesel running through his veins from childhood, Chad has more than a decade of experience in the automotive industry. From editorial work to wrenching, there isn’t much he hasn't conquered head-on. When he’s not writing and shooting trucks and tech, you’ll find him in the shop working on turning the ideas floating around in his head into reality.
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