We Out Here! Day 1 Video Recap From 4-Wheel Jamboree, Indianapolis

David Chick, Associate Editor for www.OffRoadXtreme.com and www.DieselArmy.com and I set out for Indianapolis bright and early on Thursday morning. We touched down in the seat of Marion County and were greeted by lush weather and the expansiveness that characterizes the heartlands of America.

As I wiped down my polarizing filter and brushed the debris off my battery cells I thought, “If the weather was any indication of the sort of draw the event would have, we were in for a drove of photo and video opportunities all weekend long.”

With that, I’ve set out to curate and present daily video recaps to share with you guys. Our good friends at 4-Wheel Jamboree provided us with everything we need to produce turnkey coverage at this event; a media center situated in the heart of the action, a golf cart to travel the fairgrounds in style, and most importantly a strong Wifi connection (praise sweet baby Jesus!).

Day 1 At  4-Wheel Jamboree

Matt, our contact for 4-Wheel Jamboree and a stand up gentlemen, kicked things off by giving us a tour of the Indiana State Fairgrounds. The facility is laid out in the form of a loop anchored by the Track of Champions, an oval track and infield that’ll be home to this event’s heavy-hitter highlights; Mud Drags, Mud Bogging, Tough Trucks Challenge, and Monster Truck Exhibitions to name a few.

Following our tour, David and I set out in opposite directions and circumnavigated the Show-N-Shine. This event is awesome because of the variety of off-road builds that are present. Customs, daily drivers, work trucks, trophy trucks, mud boggers, racetrucks, diesels–it’s an eclectic mix and a welcome sight for a desert dweller like myself to see.

If you guys haven’t yet, be sure to check out Off Road Xtreme’s Facebook through the weekend. We’re GOING LIVE and giving you guys access to some of the special events and also doing mini vehicle spotlights with truck owners as we walk the grounds.

Just yesterday, we gave our readers a LIVE look at the Show-N-Shine thoroughfare, a few closeups of some standout rides, and 2 on-the-spot interviews. Tell us what you think and get in that comments section, like, and share with your friends.

Back at home, ORX’s editor, Steve Olsewski, is also bringing you guys coverage at the Sand Sports Super Show. So, all the more reason to tune into ORX’s social media and front page these next few days.

Video 2 for today’s 4-Wheel Jamboree recap will be up tonight or early tomorrow, check back often and I hope you enjoy.

About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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