Video: Toyo Tires 2017 SCORE Baja 1000 Highlights

The Baja 1000 is one of the toughest races on the planet as it covers over 1,100 miles of desert. With the help of GPS, drivers attempt to go as fast as they can without crashing, breaking, or getting lost is no small feat. Combine the grueling nature of the Baja 1000 with 850 horsepower trucks with over 26 inches of wheel travel and you begin to understand the insanity of this event.

“It’s the longest, most brutal motorsports event on the entire planet, and probably always will be,” past Baja 1000 champion BJ Baldwin explained. “We take a vehicle and drive it through the harshest environment possible, as fast as we possibly can for 20 hours.”

Thanks to Toyo Tires, we have this awesome video briefly recapping the 2017 Baja 1000 and some really awesome clips of trophy trucks flying through crazy terrain. The video features some of the top desert racers all of whom use Toyo Tires on their Trophy Trucks.

“It’s a fine line that we dance for the whole race, this is the biggest race of the year and the 50th Baja 1000, especially, is probably the biggest one of them all,” Andy McMillin said. “The likelihood of having an issue in 1,100 miles is very high, and the likelihood of having an issue in 500 miles is relatively high. It’s every kind of terrain you can imagine; There’s silt, there are rocks, there are mountains, there’s desert, there’s ocean. It’s everything you can imagine, this Baja 1000 has it.”

Could you survive over 20 hours in a truck off-road? Tell us in the comments below!

About the author

Bryce Cleveland

Bryce has been in the automotive industry for most of his life. He’s done everything from fixing cars, flipping cars, writing about cars, and everything in-between. He has owned a total of 18 vehicles, most of which he owned before the age of 20. He currently drives his 2015 Ford Fiesta ST every single day and has plans to buy his third Jeep XJ Cherokee very soon.
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