It was a bittersweet feeling when we congratulated Chris McDonald on successfully building and jumping his Fall Guy tribute truck for this year’s Glacier View Fourth of July car launch in Alaska. The Fall Guy’s last jump was spectacular, so in that sense, this project was a success. During this one-day event to celebrate our nation’s birthday, 30 cars (and one boat) participated to the glee of thousands of viewers below.

Hundreds of folks tagged the truck before going over the edge. The Fall Guy truck was a crowd favorite.
When considering that the skies never darken enough for fireworks during summer in Alaska, jumping vehicles off a cliff makes perfect sense. During this video, you can hear the shouts of joy and celebration as each vehicle jumps off the cliff. There are two ways down the mountain, there is a rail system, which provides a sure path to the ramp, or the “freestyle” lane, in which vehicles can find their way to the edge. The Fall Guy truck was fitted for the rail system, but both ways provided spectacular launches.
The truck was guided to the launch pad by a rail. Once it hit the ramp, it was anybody's guess as to how it would find its way to the bottom.
Before sending the truck, hundreds of enthusiasts signed their tags, names, or mottos all over the truck. There were a couple of drones in the air to document the jumps, and Chris even fitted a few GoPro cameras to the Fall Guy truck for some stunning views of the quick way down the mountain.

Chris shows the Fall Guy truck’s condition at the bottom of the mountain. The crowd was set loose to pluck any keepsakes after all the vehicles were launched.
You can check out the video to see several views of the Fall Guy’s final jump. After all 30 cars were safely stored at the bottom, the crowd was set loose to scrounge up any souvenirs from their favorite jumpers. Parts from the Fall Guy truck were a fan favorite, and you can see in the video several enthusiasts trying to pry the truck’s hood loose from its hinges. Many of the Fall Guy stickers were pulled instead of removing body panels, including the large one affixed to the truck’s hood.
There are also a variety of other vehicles in the video that show the awesomeness of this event. In the end, everyone had a great time and the clean-up crew made sure that all the remnants not picked by the crowd were cleaned up and the area restored to its natural state.
Thanks to increasing publicity, the event continues to grow each year and folks are already planning for next year’s jump. We’re definitely looking forward to it!